There’s a seed here, Manuela! I think it’s worth pursuing especially if your heart is calling you to continue. The last image with her eyes closed is particularly stunning. I agree with you— perhaps photographing in color might render a different mood. Like you, I also have several unfinished projects. It’s part of the process when we’re trying to test our ideas. I’d love to see where this one goes if you decide to pick it up again. Thank you for sharing another lovely post!

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Hi Stella, Thank you for your feedback! Yes, I think color would change a lot and I feel like I would want to bring out the color of the plants and flowers. I am not sure yet, but there is a small seed, like you said.

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Love the series Manuela. I hope you continue it. There is something about these photographs that touched me.

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Thank you, Shital! I hope I will, too, in some capacity, in a different way.... I have to find a set up and models. :)

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I think they are fantastic! I really love your work. Looking forward to checking out more of it!

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Thank you so much for checking out my work and this newsletter! I greatly appreciate it. I am excited to see more of your work as well.

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Such a unique set of portraits. I’d love to see more.

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Thank you! I thought it would be fun to share them on here. We will see what happens...

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The pictures are so peaceful. I look forward to seeing how the work evolves over time.

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Thanks, Kris!

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